Commands & Permissions
Learn all commands and their permissions to give to your staff and players.
Commands and permissions are pretty simple in UltraHide, let me show you them.
/ultrahide - /ultrahide help - /ultrahide <any invalid args>
Usually, you don't need to give it to anyone since it is not really necessary since commands are simple, but you can give it to your staff if you want.
/ultrahide reload
I'd recommend not to give this permission to anyone and just use this command in your console, but you can give it to owners if you want.
/ultrahide reveal <distance>
I'd recommend to give this permission to staff since it reveals the hidden players in the distance you provided from your location.
/ultrahide sethiddenstate <target> <value>
I'd recommend to give this permission to staff since it can change anyone's hidden state.
I'd recommend to give it to VIP members, but you can give it to your players too, it completely depends on how you want your server to be.
/hide [another player]
I'd recommend to give this to your staff members like moderators. Players can still do /hide <their name> without needing this permission if they have ultrahide.command.hide permission.
I'd recommend to give it to VIP members, but you can give it to your players too, it completely depends on how you want your server to be.
/show [another player]
I'd recommend to give this to your staff members like moderators. Players can still do /show <their name> without needing this permission if they have permission.
I'd recommend to give it to VIP members, but you can give it to your players too, it completely depends on how you want your server to be.
You can give this to anyone, or VIP members, depends on your liking.
I'd recommend to give this to your staff members like moderators.
Last updated