
Learn how to configure the plugin.

These comments are not in actual config.yml file, that's why they are shown here.

  type: MySQL # Write the database type that you want to use here.
  # (Available database types: SQLite, MySQL, MongoDB)
  # If you don't know what it is, use SQLite.
  table-prefix: ultrahide_ # The table prefix that'll be used before table names.
  # (for example: ultrahide_players)
  advanced: # Don't touch if you don't know what it is.
    batch-size: 300
    host: # Your MySQL IP.
    port: 3306 # Your MySQL port.
    database: ultrahide # Your MySQL database name that you want to store UltraHide-related data.
    username: root # Your MySQL username.
    password: '123' # Your MySQL user password.
      max-pools: 15 # This depends on your server's capacity.
      use-ssl: false # This depends on your MySQL setup.
    url: mongodb://localhost:27017/ultrahide # Write your MongoDB URL here if you use it.
make-command-toggled-instead-of-separate: true # If enabled, it'll disable /show command and /hide
# command will be a toggle command for hide status. For example, if player is not hidden and they do
# /hide they'll behidden, and if they are hidden and they do /hide they'll be shown.
hidden-player: # The settings that'll be used for hidden players.
    enabled: true # This must be enabled for all the stuff below to work.
    join-message-mode: "HIDE" # If you make this "HIDE", it won't show hidden players' joine messages.
    # If you make this "REPLACE", it'll replace the username in hidden players' join message with their obfuscated name.
    # If you want to leave the message as it is, do it anything else such as "NONE".
    # Please note that the "REPLACE" here will use the join message that your server uses if you have a custom one set
    # and not the one in messages.yml ("hidden-player.messages.join"). The one in messages.yml is used when a player hides
    # themselves and "hidden-player.modify-messages.send-quit-message-on-hide" in config.yml is enabled to make it look like
    # they quit the server.
    quit-message-mode: "HIDE" # If you make this "HIDE", it won't show hidden players' quit messages.
    # If you make this "REPLACE", it'll replace the username in hidden players' quit message with their obfuscated name.
    # If you want to leave the message as it is, do it anything else such as "NONE".
    # Please note that the "REPLACE" here will use the quit message that your server uses if you have a custom one set
    # and not the one in messages.yml ("hidden-player.messages.quit"). The one in messages.yml is used when a player shows
    # themselves and "hidden-player.modify-messages.send-join-message-on-show" in config.yml is enabled to make it look like
    # they join the server.
    send-quit-message-on-hide: true # If enabled, it'll send "hidden-player.messages.quit" in messages.yml to all players in
    # the server when someone hides themselves.
    send-join-message-on-show: true # If enabled, it'll send "hidden-player.messages.join" in messages.yml to all players in
    # the server when someone shows themselves.
    death-message-mode: "HIDE" # If you make this "HIDE", it won't show hidden players' death messages.
    # If you make this "REPLACE", it'll replace the username in hidden players' death message with their obfuscated name.
    # If you want to leave the message as it is, do it anything else such as "NONE".
    # This option doesn't care if hidden players are victim or killer. If both victim and killer
    # is hidden and the mode is "REPLACE", both of them will get replaced. If the mode is "HIDE" and either
    # victim or killer is hidden, the message will get hidden.
  skin: # Hidden players' skin properties.
    url: DEFAULT # DEFAULT is Steve skin, you can put an URL here which you want
    # hidden players to use.
    slim: false # If the "url" value is not DEFAULT, choose if you want the skin type
    # to be slim or not.
  name: # Hidden players' name properties.
    length: -1 # If you make this -1, hidden players' hidden name's length in chat, placeholders,
    # join and quit messages, death messages etc. will be the same as their original name's length.
    # If you make this variable have any other value than -1, those names' length will be the value
    # you set here. For full anonymity and prevent any issues where someone can get access to the
    # unobfuscated name (the display name is obfuscated with &k color code), we don't use the actual
    # player name and just repeat A character as the length.
    change-display-name: false # If you enable this, it'll change display name of players
    # This might change player's names in chat if you don't have a chat plugin. It might
    # not change if you use a chat plugin. It also returns the obfuscated name to other plugins
    # using Player#displayName(); method.
    prefix: "" # In PlaceholderAPI hook, when you use a prefix placeholder (either spaced or not),
    # this value will be used if the player is hidden (and a space will be appended if the spaced
    # placeholder is used).
    suffix: "" # In PlaceholderAPI hook, when you use a suffix placeholder (either spaced or not),
    # this value will be used if the player is hidden (and a space will be appended if the spaced
    # placeholder is used).
    show-on-join-if-hidden-without-permission: true # If you enable this, if a player was hidden before leaving the server
    # and they don't have permission when they joined again, it'll show them.
    unlist-mode: "UNLIST" # Options for this mode:
    # "REMOVE": Hides player from tab list and all tab completions. Basic tab completion
    # hiding option doesn't matter for this mode. For 1.19.4 and versions newer than
    # 1.19.4, you need to disable chat signing using a plugin such as FreedomChat. If you
    # don't disable it, you will receive errors when trying to send messages while hidden
    # and after showing.
    # "UNLIST": Unlists player from tab list. This is only supported in 1.19.4 and
    # versions newer than 1.19.4, and doesn't require disabling chat signing. Great
    # option for big servers. However, this mode only supports basic tab completion
    # hiding option. Usage of this mode in versions older than 1.19.4 will automatically
    # fallback to "REMOVE".
    # "NONE": Doesn't unlist/remove player in any way.
    enable-basic-tab-completion-hiding: true # If you enable this, hidden players will also
    # be hidden in basic tab completions such as commands like /tpa. If you want to hide hidden
    # players from tab completions like where you press tab in chat without writing any commands
    # and player's name appears there, you should use "REMOVE" unlist mode.
hooks: # Plugins that UltraHide should hook to.
  placeholderapi: false # If you enable this, it'll enable placeholder support.
  bluemap: false # If you enable this, hidden players will be hidden in BlueMap's web map too.
  skinsrestorer: false # If you enable this, when a skin gets applied to a hidden player (usually through /skin),
  # it won't apply to the player automatically to protect anonymity but it'll be saved and applied
  # when they get shown by using /show themselves or someone else with the necessary permission
  # doing /show <player's name>.
  vault: false # This will enable support for Vault-needed placeholders. Refer to PlaceholderAPI
  # page in Hooks section in wiki.
  supervanish: false # If you enable this, when hidden players unvanish through SuperVanish, UltraHide
  # will unlist that player if "hidden-player.options.unlist-from-tab" is true to ensure full anonymity for the player.
  worldguard: false # If you enable this, there'll be a new flag added called "ultrahide-disallow-hide".
  # If a hidden player enters a region with that flag, they will be automatically shown and when
  # they exit that region, they'll be automatically hidden if they were hidden when entering that region.
  # /hide and /show will NOT work in regions where this flag is enabled.
  betterprofiles: false # If you enable this, people won't be able to open hidden players' profiles.
cooldown: # Cooldown values for commands. Only applies to player executors (for example, it doesn't apply to console).
  hide: 3 # Cooldown for /hide and /hide <another player name> command.
  show: 3 # Cooldown for /show and /show <another player name> command.
  hide-whitelist: 3 # Cooldown for /hidewhitelist command.
  hide-list: 3 # Cooldown for /hidelist command.

Last updated